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Establishing an Inclusive Environment
TQS #4: A teacher establishes, promotes and sustains inclusive learning environments where diversity is embraced and every student is welcomed, cared for, respected and safe.

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I designed two different versions of my lesson. The first version had many grade level questions. For the students struggling to meet the grade level work for this lesson, they were informed that they did not have to complete the entire activity sheet, and to simply do as many as they could in the given timeframe.

The other version consisted of many above grade level questions as well as some higher order thinking questions in the form of word problems. All students were given the opportunity to attempt this activity sheet, allowing students to have their own form of agency about their education.

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Creating two different forms of the activity questions, and allowing students to challenge themselves out of their own volition demonstrates my ability to establish an inclusive classroom environment. This environment encourages those that may be below grade level while also coninuting to challenge and uplift those who may be above grade level.

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