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Relevant Courses

Medicine Hat College |2020


PSYC 205: Principles of Psychology

Final Grade: A-

Understanding the underlying principles that dictate human thinking allowed me to deeply understand myself and my students. This course helped me to understand methods of thinking, the best ways to learn and the unconscious motivations of the human psyche.

Medicine Hat College |2021


LING 201: Introduction to Linguistics I

Final Grade: A

This course explains the universal principles of language, linguistic rules, articulatory phonetics, as well as the phonology of English and other languages. This course allowed me to build greater literary competence and form a very detailed understanding of semantic rules and syntax.

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PSYC 351: Developmental Psychology 

Final Grade: A-

This course focused specifically on the psychological development of adolescents. Taking this course allowed me to build an understanding of as to what children of specific ages can or cannot comprehend. This helped me to create a foundation for being a learner-centered teacher.


EDTS 232: Professional Dimensions of Teaching I 

Final Grade: A

This course was undeniably the most influential course I have taken, in regard to my life as an educator. The practicum experience this course offers allowed me to get immediate, hands on experience with teaching. This course also strongly developed my skills in classroom management.


BIOL 231: Introduction to Biology I 

Final Grade: A-

As someone pursuing a future career as a High School Science teacher, this course was particularly important to me. Due to this course's broad spectrum of information, I was able to collect a vast array of knowledge of biological mechanisms that function within our world.

Medicine Hat College |2022 


ANTH 203: Intorduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology

Final Grade: A

This course seeks to build foundational knowledge of cultural relativity and the importance of preserving and uplifting all cultures. This course is specifically meaningful to me as a an educator because creating a classroom environment that is inclusive of all cultures is key to my students' success.

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